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CNPJ for Foreign Companies in Brazil: A Complete Guide

CNPJ for Foreign Companies in Brazil

CNPJ for Foreign Companies in Brazil: Learn the Step-by-Step Process and Key Information for Establishing a Legal Presence in Brazil

If you are a foreign company looking to establish a legal presence in Brazil, obtaining a CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) is a crucial step. This unique identifier is required to operate legally in the country and comply with all tax and fiscal obligations.

Here’s a complete guide on how to obtain a CNPJ for foreign companies in Brazil.

    1. Find a Legal Representative in Brazil

To obtain a CNPJ, your foreign company must have a legal representative in Brazil who will act as the official point of contact with local authorities. This representative must be a Brazilian citizen or have a permanent residence in the country.

    1. Register Your Company with the State Board

The legal representative must register your company with the State Board in the Brazilian state where you plan to establish a presence. This registration requires certain documents, such as articles of incorporation, a power of attorney, and identification documents.

    1. Obtain a State Registration

If your company will be engaged in the sale of goods or services subject to ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services), you must obtain a State registration. This registration is necessary for tax compliance and will provide your company with a unique identification number for tracking purposes.

    1. Apply for the CNPJ

After registering your company and obtaining a State registration, you can apply for the CNPJ through the Federal Revenue Service’s website. You will need to provide certain information about your company, such as its legal name, address, and activities.

    1. Fulfill Tax and Fiscal Obligations

Once you have obtained a CNPJ, your company must comply with all tax and fiscal obligations required by Brazilian law. This includes registering for various taxes, submitting regular tax returns, and complying with labor and social security laws.

In conclusion, obtaining a CNPJ for foreign companies in Brazil is a necessary step for establishing a legal presence in the country. By following the above steps, your company can ensure compliance with all legal requirements and operate successfully in the Brazilian market.

CNPJ for Foreign Companies


Contact LegalBR, we have a specialized team ready to assist you with your demand for obtaining a CNPJ.

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